Friday, May 28, 2010

One of the Best Free Online Games - Runescape


With the continuing growth of online games, what better way to play them than right from the browser. Set in a medieval fantasy realm this game provides players with many places to explore and even more things to do. For new players entering into this virtual kingdom, be sure to know what you want to do before hand least you become a wandering traveller with no aim in the game. Like the real world, skills must be learned and money must be made in order to complete important missions and tasks and of course it is helpful to know a few tips to get started.

What is Runescape

Runescape is an extremely popular MMORPG (Multi Massive Online Role Playing Game) that takes players into the medieval fantasy realm of Gielinor. There are several kingdoms to explore, money to make, missions to complete and damsels to rescue. With over 9 million active free players and more than 800,000 subscribed playing members, Runescape is here to stay. There is no "one" right way to play the game and allows players to choose their own destiny. You can explore, train, make money, mine, or all the above. With so many things to do in this virtual realm, players will not be disappointed.

Strategies to increase your skills

There are many ways to increase your skills but a good method is to have a goal in mind before you start. First figure out What do you want to achieve by leveling up? Example. You want to increase your magic level from 3 to 50, so that is what your goal will be. However, in order to increase your magic level, you will need millions to buy your way up so this brings us to the second point. Make sure you prioritize your goals. Players tend to be anxious, impatient, and unfocused when it comes to making millions and leveling up in Runescape. For beginners, increasing your magic level quickly may not be the best option because you don't have the money to do it. So instead of leveling up, it might be better to find skills that will help you make money.

How to make Money quickly in Runescape

A good way to make money when your just beginning is by killing cows for cowhide. It's worth over 100 gp each and you can build your strength while doing so. Cowhide is used by players to boost their crafting level. Make sure to keep the gates closed so that the cows won't escape. If you collect 10,000 cow hides and sell them, you will get at least one million in Runescape. However, it is better to keep them for other purposes. You can also cut logs, cut down magic trees, or mine coal and iron to say the easiest methods and gain needed skills while doing it. Magic trees can be sold for at least 1000 each but are very hard to cut. Learn how to smelt coal and iron together to make steel bars to sell them as is or smith high alchemized steel plate bodies for more money. Plates can sell for 1,200 gp each.

To sum it up, Runescape is one of the most popular online MMORPG's played to date. Both freeplay and paid subscritions are available to satisfy any player's taste. There are simple ways to make money that doesn't require any effort to cheat and skills are easily achieved as well. However you want to spend you time in this world is up to you.

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