Friday, July 23, 2010

Property and Benefit of Magnetized Water


Property and Benefit of Magnetized Water

1. Property: Microcluster. Magnetized water has a smaller group of molecule per water cluster than regular water. It has about 6 molecule while regular water has about 14-30. This water be called into different name namely; Structured Water, Hexagonal Water, Clustered Water, Nanoclustered Water, Magnetic Resonance Water, Ionized Water, Altered Water.


- It's easier to pass through cell membrane because of microcluster.

- Increase metabolism because it easier to transport nutrient and oxygen to cell and to carry out toxin and waste matter from cell.

- Easier to cure thirst because it pass through cell membrane faster.

2. Property: Less Surface Tension. Surface tension reduces from 75 dynes to 45 dynes or even 38 dynes because of microcluster. It also reduces blood viscosity.
Benefit: It's more effective solvent. It's easier and faster to dissolve nutrient and transport to cell and to dissolve waste matter and carry out from cell. This cause cell is healthy and increase immunity.

3. Property: Be slightly alkaline. Water Ionization, when water (H2O) is affected by electromagnetic vibration, some molecule of water wills separate to Ion that is Hydrogen Ion (H+) and Hydroxyl Ion (OH-). Some hydroxyl ion will combine with minerals such as calcium and become Calcium Bicarbonate which has alkaline property. Water has pH value about 7.6 - 8.5 because of this effect.

Benefit: All of human body except Stomach and Kidneys has pH value 7.4, which is alkaline. Water, which has pH value higher than 7.4, can eliminate acidic matter and acidic property in body. All human organs should be alkaline, but all digestion cause acidic matter. Having a lot of acidic property in blood, if there is no water that is alkaline, body will use (someone call "steal") minerals such as; calcium, magnesium, Potassium from another part of body such as; bone, teeth, muscle to eliminate acidic property, which cause by acidic waster matter or environmental pollution.

4. Property: Antioxidant. From above, some Hydroxyl Ion (OH) will combine together and become water (H2O) again and oxygen ion (O). This oxygen ion can stop free radical cycle because it is negative ion. Free radical is any molecule that has a single unpaired electron in an outer shell. This free radical will steal electron from body, and it doesn't want to steal again, but this will cause other molecules lose their electron. That molecule will steal electron from body, cause another free radical. This is called "Free Radical Cycle". The Free Radical Cycle will stop whenever it finds other free radical or antioxidant. The antioxidant can stop free radical cycle because it has one more electron, and it will give electron to free radical when they meet together.

Benefit: Free radical cause a lot of illness such as; aging, cancer, arthritis, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and diabetes. So this antioxidant can prevent and reduce much illness.

5. Property: Have a lot of oxygen. From above, some Oxygen Ion will combine together and become Oxygen. This oxygen can dissolve immediately in that water. If we put that water (magnetized water) in closed bottle, there are small bubbles attach inside bottle. So we can say "Water, which has alkaline property, always has oxygen inside".


- Give energy to cell.

- Anaerobic Bacteria can't be born and stop to flourish in place that has oxygen and it will die.

- From Dr. Otto Warburg, the 1931Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, research, cancer can't grow in place that has oxygen. So by this theory, cancer shouldn't grow in organs that receive oxygen completely.

Life span of magnetized water

1. Antioxidant ability. It depends on life span of Hydroxyl Ion, which can stay in water for about 18 - 24 hours.

2. Alkaline property. This may last for 1 - 2 weeks.

3. Microcluster property. This may last for 1 - 3 mouths.

Life span of each property can be varies depend on an environment. It may last for two year if kept at room temperature. It may last unlimitedly if kept in refrigerator, be frozen or kept in a tight sealed grass bottle. Water has alkaline property because of Calcium Bicarbonate (Co2), but if put into plastic bottle, which Carbon Dioxide can pass through; Carbon Dioxide will make reaction with Calcium Bicarbonate and become Calcium Carbonate (CaCO2). Calcium Carbonate can't be dissolved in water. This will creates sediments and alkaline property will decrease gradually. So Water kept in grass bottle will last longer than kept in plastic bottle.

Preservation Magnetized Water

1. It is a good idea to keep in refrigerator. Water property may not change in a low temperature (it depend on other preservation too.)

2. It can be kept in any type of container except aluminum.

3. You can add other beverage such as; Vitamin C, Green Tea, Honey, into magnetized water without reduces or destroys its property.

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