Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Favorite Beer to Have at the End of a Long Week


Any time my buddies and I get together, we always have a difficult time deciding what types of beer to get. Of course, different people have different tastes, so there are often varying opinions on this subject, leading us usually to go our separate ways with our purchases.

When it comes to going out to a restaurant though, everyone is on their own and happy to be. Here are some of the beers that I choose to order.

I will start out by mentioning the obvious choice for me any time I see it on a menu, and that is none other than a Rolling Rock. The light version of this beer is too light, but the regular brew when served fresh out of a tap is very tough to beat.

Another craft ale that I thoroughly enjoy is Stella Artois. Coming way from Belgium, this is a very tasty beer; however, try not to order it in a bottle, as the volume is less than your standard bottled beer.

Any time I'm out for Chinese or Thai food, I always find myself ordering a Singha. This beer is heavy enough to cut into the spicy food that I always order with it, but not too flavorful to overpower and overwhelm my taste buds.

If you want to talk about smaller breweries that I enjoy, one of the finest beers to get on tap in my opinion is the Harpoon IPA. Getting this beverage with a dozen oysters or with a bucket of mussels is tough to beat for me.

Finally, I will mention a rare beer that any time I see it on a menu (which is not so often) I have to get it. And that beverage is none other than Red Seal. The Red Seal American Amber ale finds the perfect balance of taste, refreshment and hops. I just love this one and highly recommend getting it if you ever see it.

I hope that my advice has helped to educate you on a few different beers that you may not have known much about prior to reading this article.

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